How do I highlight multiple searches/elements?

  • Created : 10/7/2020 8:22:56 AM
  • Updated : 2/7/2022 6:29:27 AM
    • You can filter for and highlight specific areas with the help of  the search feature. 
    • Click on the search feature from the left navigation menu. 
    • Then enter the element that you want to highlight in the text box, for instance “windows”. All the elements in the model which are associated with a window are displayed and assigned the colour yellow. 
    • They can Save this search so that it’s available for later use.
    • To highlight other saved searches, click on the saved search element you wish to highlight and it will highlight those on the model in X Ray mode.

    To better differentiate between multiple search highlights, it is advisable to assign a different search colour for each element group.