1. Click on the Products and Spatial tab from the left navigation menu.
2. Then click on the Spatial tab to show a list of all the spaces in the building.
3. Toggle Spaces: You can use the toggle option to toggle the spaces on or off. This helps you show or hide specific spaces only.
4. Right-clicking on any element brings up the option to Hide that space.
5. Right-clicking on any space brings up the option to Isolate that space.
6. You can right-click on any space and select the Section Cut option to show only that section as in the screenshot here.
7. Right-clicking on any element brings up the option to Show the level on which that space is.
8. You can also choose to Show/Hide floor spaces.
9. You can Reset the model at any time to go back to its original state and remove any of the Show/Hide or Isolate options chosen.