How do I sign a Permit to Work form?

  • Created : 11/18/2020 10:35:40 AM
  • Updated : 11/19/2020 6:07:48 AM
    • When a permit to work is lodged and the permit details are filled in, users who process the permit to work, from foremen, supervisors, engineers-in-charge, WSHO,WSHC, to the project or construction manager can sign the form to indicate that they've verified the permit and progress it to the next workflow state. 
    • Users get notified when there is an action pending from them on an inspection. 
    • They can then view the inspection, and if the permit can be cleared, they can sign their approval. 
    • This can be done with the help of the "Sign/Sign as me" buttons available in the respective sections of the form.